Artificial intelligence (AI) may be positively transforming the world across sectors. But it is also deepening socio-economic disparities and geopolitical divisions, a new report on AI governance has highlighted.  The report was launched at the recent Paris Peace Forum and Initiate release.  

The report, “Beyond the North-South Fork on the Road to AI Governance: An Action Plan for Democratic & Distributive Integrity,”  is canvassing for new approaches to better leverage AI and big data for more equitable access for people across social and economic brackets. 

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world faster than the world can mitigate intensifying geopolitical divisions and socio-economic disparities.

The forum summited that “As technological change outpaces regulatory policy, no common platform has yet emerged to coordinate a variety of governance approaches across multiple national contexts.


Informed by discussions within a 21-member expert working group assembled by Initiate: Digital Rights in Society and the Paris Peace Forum, the report entitled “Beyond the North-South Fork on the Road to AI Governance: An Action Plan for Democratic & Distributive Integrity” proposes that AI constitutionalism, and a rights-based approach should guide the development of high-level international protocols and conventions that will set policymaking standards for AI’s development and deployment, worldwide.

[It] harps on approaching AI and big data as fundamental resources within the modern economy.

The report recommends several key actions to work toward a less fragmented AI policy landscape that incorporates the interests and concerns of Global South countries.” 


Read the full report

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